Tuesday, December 12, 2006

One of my favorite uses of the word Indeed

if by “favorite” you mean “archetype of why I tend to dislike people who use it overmuch.” I present to you, Prof. Altmouse, who uses “indeed” it thusly:

It’s terrible that the poor man [Jean Charles de Menezes] was shot to death yesterday by the London police who had reason to think he was a terrorist. But should we worry that the shoot-to-kill policy will result in more deaths?… [E]veryone — at least in London — now knows not to run from the police, especially not onto a train and while wearing bulky clothing. Is it not true that yesterday’s sad mistake has already solved the problem it represents? In fact, a further good has been created: as ordinary persons change their behavior and drop the bulky clothing and unnecessary running, the real terrorists will stand out more. Indeed, if anyone ever behaves like Jean Charles de Menezes again, the presumption that he is a terrorist will be so overwhelmingly strong that the police really must kill him.

And that, ladies and gents, is a law professor. The university that employs her must be so ashamed, though perhaps not as ashamed as her parents. I would avoid going to her site if I were you, it is so dull that you may immediately collapse and dent your forehead as it hits the front lip of your keyboard.

Do not say you haven’t been warned.

Ms. Grumpy, a known “indeed” user, is, however, completely exempt from my generalized ridicule of people who use the word “indeed.” Indeed, when she uses it, it always at precisely the right time with precisely the correct meaning. Because she rocks, y’all.

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