Wednesday, January 30, 2008

[] Fuck you, Ralph

'Fuck you, Ralph'

Ralph Nader Flirts with ‘08 Bid

Ralph Nader has formed a presidential exploratory committee, and said in an interview Wednesday that he will launch another presidential bid if he’s convinced he can raise enough money to appear on the vast majority of state ballots this fall.

Look, you narcissistic oblivious prick, you are part of the problem.

Here’s an idea, instead of reappearing every four years to throw elections for the biggest authoritarian kleptocracy in history like a bad case of gonorrhea… why don’t you do something useful during the intervening four years of nothing? Al Gore got an Oscar, what did you do? Besides charge five figure speaker fees for resting on your laurels, that is.

Because of you, thousands have died in Iraq. Because of you, our civil liberties have been eroded probably for the remainder of my lifetime. Stop being a useful idiot and just be useful. Please.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

[] Baroccoli Obama

'Baroccoli Obama'

I thought it, now I’m trademarking it.

Baroccoli Obama

Remember: that’s (tm, me)!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

[] Sunset on the Empire

'Sunset on the Empire'

I’ve been talking about the decline and fall of the American empire forever (or close thereto. No, really), but it appears that the New America Foundation realizes they want some skin in that game.

Many saw the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as the symbols of a global American imperialism; in fact, they were signs of imperial overstretch. Every expenditure has weakened America's armed forces, and each assertion of power has awakened resistance in the form of terrorist networks, insurgent groups and "asymmetric" weapons like suicide bombers. America's unipolar moment has inspired diplomatic and financial countermovements to block American bullying and construct an alternate world order. That new global order has arrived, and there is precious little Clinton or McCain or Obama could do to resist its growth.

[Colbert]Bow before me for I am mighty![/Colbert]

[] Search Incident to Seizure in the age of the iPhone

'Search Incident to Seizure in the age of the iPhone'

There’s a paper on SSRN entitled The iPhone Meets the Fourth Amendment


Imagine that police arrest an individual for a simple traffic infraction, such as running a stop sign. Under the search incident to arrest doctrine, officers are entitled to search the body of the person they are arresting to ensure that he does not have any weapons or will not destroy any evidence. The search incident to an arrest is automatic and allows officers to open containers on the person, even if there is no probable cause to believe there is anything illegal inside of those containers. What happens, however, when the arrestee is carrying an iPhone in his pocket? May the police search the iPhone’s call history, cell phone contacts, emails, pictures, movies, calendar entries and, perhaps most significantly, the browsing history from recent internet use? Under longstanding Supreme Court precedent decided well before handheld technology was even contemplated, the answer appears to be yes.

I’ve read the paper and I think that the abstract above is incorrect as to what the paper states, but also Gershowitz’ conclusion overreaches. I think it clear and inarguable that the iPhone or other devices1 may be seized incident to arrest, but it is doubtful that they may be “searched” beyond data already stored on the phone.

A key difference between the cigarette pack search he refers to frequently and searching a technological device is that the officer may easily detect contraband or dangerous goods using one of their senses. This “closed container” doctrine has been upheld by courts already to allow officers to read text messages on phones on an arrested suspect and then use those text messages as evidence.

However with modern devices, much of the information that would be of interest to the police is stored on third party servers. A typical search that would yield indictment-worthy information is going to be email, IM messages, or similar which are under the control of third parties (such as email providers), not stored in the phone themselves.2 If you allow immediate mining of third parties, such as Yahoo email, that under any and every theory and ruling in American law (FISA bill and Bush administration excepted), then you have destroyed the Fourth Amendment for all intents and purposes (in laymen’s terms: you need a subpoena to ask these providers for information. Searching without a warrant is unconstitutional; if you allow these searches, you’ve just done an end-run around the Constitution. You must subpoena teh googlez). It is as plain as the Newspeak nature of doughy pantload’s book - if you access third party services that would otherwise require a warrant, you have violated the Fourth Amendment.

Gershowitz addresses this in part, but also hand waives it away, using the example of an officer who gets access to a device’s password by accessing the owner’s email, finding the password there, and then using that password to open the device. Gershowitz argues that this search is permissible, whereas I would argue that accessing the user’s email is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment and any subsequent searches on the phone would be excluded as fruit of the poisonous tree. Gershowitz also ignores the time and technical savvy required for an officer holding a suspect to do this. If the officer has time to do this, they have time to do it back at the station, after obtaining a warrant.

The paper does a typical journal article scattershot attack after that, none of which is very revealing or realistic.

So short response: somewhat interesting theory, but I remain unconvinced that the conclusion that such searches are “likely” to be upheld is the correct one. Much of this, of course, relies on which judge hears which case. Traditional jurisprudence would, I feel quite strongly, uphold the prohibition on accessing any off-device services to search the device. Given the radical authoritarian nature of the justices the Bush administration has placed on the bench, I am uncertain as to the actual outcome when this potential issue becomes a reality.

1. I’m just going to use “device” from here on out.

2. I don’t have an iPhone, so I don’t know if text messages are stored locally or on internet servers. I would assume locally just for end-user responsiveness and bandwidth issues.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

[] Tales of the American Taliban

'Tales of the American Taliban'

Retroactive fines 5 years later for nude buttocks.

The Federal Communications Commission has proposed a $1.4 million fine against 52 ABC Television Network stations over a 2003 broadcast of cop drama NYPD Blue.

The fine is for a scene where a boy surprises a woman as she prepares to take a shower. The scene depicted “multiple, close-up views” of the woman’s “nude buttocks” according to an agency order issued late Friday.

Oh, do fuck off censors, would you?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

[] Travesty of Justice

'Travesty of Justice'

Jose Padilla sentenced to 17 years in prison

Jose Padilla, once accused of plotting with al Qaeda to blow up a radioactive “dirty bomb,” was sentenced Tuesday to 17 years and four months on terrorism conspiracy charges that don’t mention those initial allegations.

Padilla, an American citizen, was taken on U.S. soil (with Ashcroft holding a press conference to announce the grab of the dirty bomber), held without charges for 3.5 years,1 in solitary confinement, denied access to an attorney, and tortured.2 I’ve mentioned this before.

Without even going to the elements of what appears on the surface to be a Thought Crime more than an actual crime, there is no conceivable way by which this trial could be imagined to have been fair or Padilla’s civil rights upheld. Any one of the elements above would be sufficient in a system still beholden to the rule of law to create a mistrial; taken together the are a nightmare of coercion, duress, and authoritarianism.

This verdict is a black eye on the Department of Justice, the prosecuting attorneys who did not resign rather than try this case, the judge, the judicial system, the media, the Bush administration, and America.

Just fucking embarrassing.

I’m sure my shame and anger will comfort Padilla while he’s in solitary confinement and on suicide watch for the next 17 years.

The Bush administration and the DoJ forwarded an argument in this case, and one that has apparently stood, that the President has the power to declare anyone - even a United States citizen - to be an enemy combatant and outside the jurisdiction of our system of laws. Again, I’ve talked about this before. Gentle reader, from the results of this case, you too could be deemed an enemy combatant. At any time. In any place.

I hope you like Uzbekistan. Or at least windowless rooms in hot climates. I also hope you aren’t too attached to your fingernails, skull, or skin.

1. Remember, the Bush DoJ held Padilla for more than 2 years in a Navy brig in order to keep him from the reach of US courts.

2. The tapes of Padilla’s interrogations have, naturally, vanished and could not be produced at his trial. Convenient, no?

[] A New Role for the Fed

'A New Role for the Fed'

The Fed, a secretive, unelected, group in the best of times has two goals to meet via their implementation of fiscal policy: one, keep unemployment low; and two, keep inflation under control. Where there’s ever been a conflict between 1 & 2, they’ve always, always picked inflation control over job growth.

Well, after this morning’s emergency session, and we have confirmation of a new third role for the Fed - they’re also Wall Street’s Bitch.

The Federal Open Market Committee has decided to lower its target for the federal funds rate 75 basis points to 3-1/2 percent.

The Committee took this action in view of a weakening of the economic outlook and increasing downside risks to growth. While strains in short-term funding markets have eased somewhat, broader financial market conditions have continued to deteriorate and credit has tightened further for some businesses and households. Moreover, incoming information indicates a deepening of the housing contraction as well as some softening in labor markets.

Oh, there had been hints before about the Fed pulling out the patent leather and gags any time their daddy fund managers came a’knockin, but today’s out-of-the-blue rate drop ices that cake. Or creams that banana. Or rims that job. Wev.

Now, given my current employment and market positioning, this is all good news for me, but I’m worried about what it means for the country. Because now we have a (quasi, but for all intents and purposes) governmental body making policy based on the whims of a tiny numbers of private corporations and individuals.

Then again, this is the third Gilded Age and a similar (though inverse) relationship has existed before, so maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised.

Monday, January 21, 2008

[] Dude, Where's My Car?

'Dude, Where's My Car?'

and the winner for the I really should have shut up instead of tried to pander award for today is… Mitt Romney

As he posed for a picture with a group of young people, the typically old-fashioned Romney was relaxed enough to quote from a popular hit single from a few years back.

"Who let the dogs out?" he called out, as he stood there beaming in his shirt and tie. "Who! Who!"

Hey, at least it wasn’t racist or appearing with a pro-apartheid Mason on MLK day like Saint John McCain (a holiday McCain voted against creating, by the way), right?

[] Those Crazy Shredders

'Those Crazy Shredders'

Wow, what a coincidence! It just so happens that the missing emails (related deletions discussed previously) from the records the White House turned over to Congress aren’t complete. Golly gee willickers! Whouda thunk that the emails turned over by the OVP would be missing 16 days worth of emails?

House Oversight Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) revealed that the White House failed to preserve emails for at least 473 separate days. Waxman's report said "Vice President Cheney's office showed no electronic messages on 16 occasions from September 2003 to May 2005." Among the sixteen days for which email are missing from Vice President Cheney's office "is Sept. 30, 2003, the same day the day the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced they were investigating who outed former CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson."

INT. office - night

We revolve around a classic, quality desk largely cleared of
papers.  It’s dark wood exudes power and solidity.  A single lamp
spotlights the desktop and the two liver-spotted hands lightly touching at the
fingertips.  CHENEY, the man behind the hands, is in shadow.  He may
or may not be undead.  Thunder BOOMS outside and rain DRUMS on the
windows.  The phone RINGS.


The data we provided to Congress is incomplete you say? 
And the missing days just happen to align with my Energy Task Force and the
Plame records?


My, that is unfortunate. 


How could that have ever happened?


Close up of a severe, old, possibly dead man’s eyes. 
Which are behind glasses.  We slowly pan back until we can see all of
CHENEY’S face.  A corner of one side of his mouth curls up.  CHENEY
winks.  The lamp CLICKS off.


Remember, this is the group that permanently deleted the pre-Iraq email backups. The group (especially Rove) that used RNC mail servers for official government business and then deleted those emails when subpoenaed. All of this is in violation of the Federal Records Act and we’re not even into conspiracy to obstruct justice territory or the substance of the underlying crimes yet.

And Congress apparently still thinks “impeachment” is a new cocktail from Georgia.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

[] Let the Countdown Celebration Begin!

'Let the Countdown Celebration Begin!'

Today is the last January 20th of the worst administration in our country’s history. Huzzah!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

[] Whoaaaah-bama


Dude. I don’t like you, but it’s embarrassing to see you do this. It’s not hard to correct: Take a deep breath. Think of the optics. Stop saying stupid shit.

I think it's fair to say that the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time there over the last 10-15 years in the sense that they were challenging conventional wisdom.

(this is from the back end of the talk we discussed earlier)

Jesus fuck, who’s your advisor? Bob Shrum? The tone deafness is astounding. For such a “charismatic” guy who has been so successful politically, this is embarrassing. I don’t care if you don’t agree with those ideas, I don’t care if you disagree with those ideas, this is one of those sound bites you just can’t do.

You know who calls the GOP the “party of ideas”? The GOP.


And it’s not just the right you’re handing these openings to: Bill Clinton immediately got on Obama’s ass with a mischaracterization of what Obama said and Bulldog Edwards attacked him for it too. And these guys are pussycats compared to the GOP slime machine, and you know what the GOP guys are calling Obama right now? “Meat.”

How about these ideas: universal health insurance, protecting the environment, protecting civil liberties,1 fairness, respect, an end to oligopolies, freedom of speech, religion, and association,2, fair hours, fair wages, equality, respect, suffrage, education, and justice for all.

You know why the GOP had these “ideas”? Because they were radical abominations that had been rejected time and time again by good thinking people the world over for the last 70 years? They weren’t ideas so much as totalitarian fantasies that Newtie thought up when he was between fart bubbles playing with his GI Joes in the bathtub (and whatever the prehistoric version of the same would be. Neanderthals lived the Contract on America. Look where it got them!).

The wingnut welfare machine was specifically designed to incubate “thinkers” in “think tanks” who would “think” out “ideas.” Crappy, unoriginal ideas, but that’s what they called them. Then they would sell these “ideas” to via more wingnut welfare through their well-lubed connections to the corporate media. The media would then report these “ideas” as something “new.”

Sigh. Gimme Edwards. Please. At least he stays on message (actually, he’s almost inhuman in that ability. Unsinkable Johnnie Ed!)

Be sure to point out that they are bad ideas you do something this stupid, would you? kthx.

1. Note: FAIL last 7 years

2. eternal vigilance = new ideas required to counter the forces trying

Thursday, January 17, 2008

[] Atlas the Welfare Queen

'Atlas the Welfare Queen'

What the fuck is this socialist welfare begging shit that Juggs is doing?

Atlas does not live by words alone, contribute to the damn thing!
Seriously, it takes enormous time and effort to build this alternative media outlet, help Atlas run. Go here, or I’ll have to get a day job (as opposed to this day and night job).

UPDATE: Checking out the PO Box thing….at $40 bucks a month, not going there. Email me offline at AtlasShrugs2000 at 1 o l and I’ll give you an address.

Pick yourself by your own bootstraps, you big whiner!

The best part is that her legion (well, troop. OK, squad… squadlette) of supporters can’t figure out to get her any money. Read the comments. Savor them. Especially this one:

Call me a dummy if you will. I had to make a pay pal account. that done, now in the dang box of where to send money..where do I send it? WHERE? Please explain. don’t tell me to Atlas Shrugged it has only a place for an email address. DUH!!!

Juggyfreude! Hahahaha. The sockpuppet/pump primer comments are equally awesome. And by awesome, I mean risible.

I tried to figure out a way to send some custard, but I couldn’t find the appropriate button. Guess I’m just a big dummy.

Via the best site in the universe1, we get the best comment ever (which totally stole my idea, bitches!).

Went over to Titz-on-a-Blintz to see how Pammy's fundraising was going and inquired if she paid for her breast implants with a similar blog beg. First time I ever had a comment deleted anywhere.

Generally I’m sympathetic to dispossessed women with children in tow. Not so much this fucktard. She should be mocked. Mercilessly. Maybe she can take those fake tits that her ex paid for and leverage them into her 2009 calendar. “Genocidal Hobag ‘09″ does have a certain ring to it, no?

1. That is not a plea for a blogroll or anything. I seriously dig those guys. They’re fun-nay.

[] The GOP Work Ethic

'The GOP Work Ethic '

Lucky duckies working longer hours and having two jobs == FANtastic! (now stay away from my inheritance the death tax!)

I am so proud to be from the state of Minnesota. We're the workingest state in the country, and the reason why we are, we have more people that are working longer hours, we have people that are working two jobs.

To me, the statement is an indictment on our country and current way of life. How is it that we can live in the wealthiest, most advanced1, bestest country in the world… and our people have to work harder and longer than any other developed nation just to scrape by? We’ve got more than we need of food, toys, things, and space. Why is it that our society is like this?2

But I didn’t say that. Michelle Bachmann did.

Who is she? Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), a bosom buddy of Bush the lesser and a christianist of the strongest sort. She graduated from a nonaccredited law school (and still got a job being an attorney for the IRS) that was an adjunct of Oral Roberts university (gee, that situation sure sounds familiar) and her stances are strongest when they are anti-gay, anti-choice, and anti-separation of church and state.

But it’s not like her statement is out of the norm for for her social circle. Just ask “never had to work a day in my life” Bush!

GEORGE W. BUSH: Good. Okay, Mary, tell us about yourself.

MS. MORNIN: Okay, I’m a divorced, single mother with three grown, adult children. I have one child, Robbie, who is mentally challenged, and I have two daughters.

MS. MORNIN: That’s good, because I work three jobs and I feel like I contribute.

GEORGE W. BUSH: You work three jobs?

MS. MORNIN: Three jobs, yes.

GEORGE W. BUSH: Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that. (Applause.) Get any sleep? (Laughter.)

MS. MORNIN: Not much. Not much.

You know, when he said “Uniquely American,” I think he meant that it was something we should be proud of. What a moron.

On a political note: why on earth do the poor or middle class ever vote Republican? 3 GOP has none of your interests at heart. None! Seriously, the GOP are the Whigs of the 21st century. It’s just embarassing.

1. Depending on your definition. I’m going with the “meaningless cliche” one here, since I can’t really pick out any area besides defense spending where we don’t at least have a near peer.

2. Yeah, yeah, I’ve read Weber. And I’ve already discussed the new Gilded Age in depth. No, seriously. The question was rhetorical this time.

3. We all know it’s about race of course, but I like to think in the, you know, rational world, not the I-hate-you-for-no-rational-reason one.

[] Fire up the Shredders!

'Fire up the Shredders!'

Just like the Enron they so resemble and admire (and used to work for), the Bush administration just happened to destroy all records of pre-Iraq war emails. How convenient!

The White House has acknowledged recycling its backup computer tapes of e-mail before October 2003, raising the possibility that many electronic messages — including those pertaining to the CIA leak case — have been taped over and are gone forever.

The disclosure came minutes before midnight Tuesday under a court-ordered deadline that forced the White House to reveal information it has previously refused to provide.

Among the e-mails that could be lost are messages swapped by any White House officials involved in discussions about leaking a CIA officer’s identity to reporters.

Note that this, in addition to, you know, hiding the crimes, is almost certainly in violation of the Federal Records Act. To be in compliance with the FRA, records may only be destroyed under the authority of a records disposition schedule approved by the Archivist of the United States.

NARA issues a General Records Schedule (GRS) that gives record descriptions of records that are common to most Federal agencies and authorizes record disposals for temporary records. The Department is responsible for developing agency record schedules-with the approval of the Archivist of the United States-that are tailored to our own agency-specific records that are not provided for in the GRS.

Record schedules are mandatory instructions of what to do with records (and nonrecord materials) no longer needed for current Government business. The records schedules indicate how long a document must be kept before it is transferred to a Federal Records Center, destroyed or transferred to NARA for permanent preservation.

Now, gentle Congresscritters, who is going to be the first to query the record schedules to see if these documents were on the list? Who is going to be the first to issue a subpoena? Who is going to be the first to mention “criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice”?

I’m going with “no one,” but they should. Not only did Congress let the administration get away with rampant lawbreaking for 7 years… they’re going to let them destroy the evidence while they sit around and have bullshit investigations about fucking steroids in a sport?!? Jesus fuck that makes me want to find the nearest protruding object and run into it full force with my eyeball.

[] Obama Hearts Reagan

'Obama Hearts Reagan'

I know people are kicking Obama’s ass for saying something so fucking stupid as to praise Reagan, but contextually he has a point. Reagan was a paradigm shift.

Watch for yourself and decide:

I’ve expressed my lack of preference for Obama before
, but this on this one, I can understand what he’s saying. If you were charting a map of where the country was heading, Reagan would definitely be a hard right turn (into a dead end, filled with spikes, toll roads run by the oligopoly, and minorities in press gangs maintaining the shrubs). Clinton was not a strong turn away from the pro-business, mushiness of HW Bush, more like a left bank. Nothing inherently wrong with that.

That said, given his position as a candidate, a speaker for “change” and the people, to not take a moment to express that not all change is good and that Reagan’s change was the wrong direction is unconscionable. Maybe he just forgot a clause in his sentence. Or even an adjective. But these are things he shouldn’t forget.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

[] Warrior for the Cause

'Warrior for the Cause'

Mark Deli Siljander, a former Republican congressperson from Michigan was indicted today as part of a conspiracy to funnel money terrorists who have threatened US troops in Afghanistan.

A former congressman and delegate to the United Nations was indicted Wednesday as part of a terrorist fundraising ring that allegedly sent more than $130,000 to an al-Qaida and Taliban supporter who has threatened U.S. and international troops in Afghanistan.

The former Republican congressman from Michigan, Mark Deli Siljander, was charged with money laundering, conspiracy and obstructing justice for allegedly lying about lobbying senators on behalf of an Islamic charity that authorities said was secretly sending funds to terrorists.

Siljander is a true warrior for the true GOP cause - money. It’s not about nationalism, jingoism, saving the troops, saving the unborn, saving christmas… it’s all about the benjamins. With regards to his true orthodoxy, Siljander is surely going to spend eternity with his 72 bags of glittery gold. Or the gold may be from the fronts of his soon-to-be cellmate smiling down at Siljander as Siljander performs his patented 72-lick salad toss. Hard to tell on these things. It’s heaven for one of them!

I give it approximately 30 10 minutes before Faux news “inadvertently” labels the GOP Republican GOP Republican GOP Republican GOP Republican GOP Siljander as “(D-MI)”. Oopsies! How’d that D get in there?

Read the indictment in my newly-opened “unfinished” legal bits section.

[] Ayatollah Huckabeenie

'Ayatollah Huckabeenie'

Mike Huckabee in Michigan two days ago

I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution, but I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that’s what we need to do — to amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than try to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view.

This, ladies and gents, is the true voice of the base of the current GOP. Ye reap what ye sow, piggies.

One question: which god are we talking about here? The petulant spoiled brat of the first half of the book or the dirty fucking hippie of the second? Actually, which gawdly book are we talking about? I want the one with the free slurpees and fields of bubble wrap to roll around in.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

[] Warriors for Cheetos and Dough

'Warriors for Cheetos and Dough'

They came out to play-ee-ay the only way they know how, by (ironically) coordinating a fascist campaign to remove the best takedown EVAR!! of a shitty book from Google results. Pussies.

And yet it appears that Google has decided to punish this modest blogger despite the fact that I am actually a victim of this nefarious attempt to hijack Google. Google has now erased all traces of my piece “Jonah Goldberg’s Shining (Liberal Fascism with LOLCats)” from search results for the phrase “Liberal Fascism.” While it was once in the Top 10 of results for a search on the words “Liberal Fascism” it is now missing from that search entirely. Despite the fact that my piece has 94 links, according to Technorati, Google has decided that after the Amazon page for the book, the most informative links for the words “Liberal Fascism” include a Think Progress piece from two years ago that is not really about the book, with 9 links; a piece from The Corner (0 links) about all the great reviews the book has received; a piece by Cactus from the Angry Bear (1 link), who, like me, has not actually read the book; another piece from two years ago by Brendan Nyhan (4 links) ridiculing the book; and a page from the Urban Dictionary (27 links) defining a word that I cannot repeat here since this is a family-safe blog. (Update: The Urban Dictionary page has now moved into the Number One slot ahead of the Amazon page.)

In case you didn’t see it before, here’s the article again.

Friday, January 11, 2008

[] Jimmy Carter '08!

'Jimmy Carter '08!'

Once again, the Onion kicks everyone else’s ass

You actually seem to think one a’ these assholes is gonna prance in and wave a magic wand and make everything all nice again. Look at you, sitting there like a common fucking schnook and eating all their bull about bi-fucking-partisanship, and how they have all the goddamn answers. Let me tell you something: These fags are dogshit compared to Jimmy fucking Carter, all right? I was arbitrating Mideast crises when this bunch was still sucking on their mamas’ titties.

But who comes to me, huh? Fucking nobody. Why ask old Jimmy anything? What the fuck could he know about peace in the Middle East? It’s not like he fucking won the Nobel Peace Prize for that shit. You myopic pricks. Back in ‘79, I sat Sadat and Begin right down and made those two dicklicks shake hands. It was beautiful—I had all the pieces lined up and I smiled and waved in my best fucking suit and tie right there on TV. And what do you do, you pieces of shit? You screw the whole goddamn pooch.


Oh, what’s that I hear? The weather’s all screwy? You got a global warming problem? Boo-fucking-hoo! I was telling you morons to turn off your lights and unplug all your shit at night to conserve energy in 19-fuckin’-75, for chrissake. Gee, I wonder what woulda happened if we’d all switched to solar power like I fucking did back when we had a fucking chance to do something about it. Think we’d still be sucking Saudi Arabia’s dick like a five-dollar whore? I sure as fuck didn’t get no fancy Oscar for that little spiel, though, did I? No. But Al Gore, that cum-sucking pig, steals the shit from me and now he’s the greatest thing since Jesus Christ made a fucking sandwich.

[] Just wait until Barack's the nominee

'Just wait until Barack's the nominee'

Thursday, January 10, 2008

[] Spitzer 2016

'Spitzer 2016'

I just want to be first on the bandwagon. From today’s state of the State address

In addition, next week that tradition of service continues as roughly 2,000 of New York's citizen soldiers will be shipping out to Afghanistan. On behalf of the State, I will be there to wish them well, share our pride, and offer our prayers for their safe return.

And when they do return, we owe them our gratitude, but also something more – we owe them the chance to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities at home they have so honorably fought for overseas. In the name of all of those who have served on our behalf, I will send you a bill guaranteeing New York's returning combat veterans a benefit that covers the full cost of SUNY or CUNY tuition, and that can be used at any college or university in New York State.

That’s a fantastic idea and a great, if inadequate to the debt owed, tribute to those who have served this demonspawned administration in their ill begotten war.

Spitzer’s taken on a number of highly powerful, highly funded, anti-People interest groups since his time as an AG. Right on, Elliot.

[] Wingnut Egg, Meet Wingnut Face!

'Wingnut Egg, Meet Wingnut Face!'


Watch the tape for yourself–no one but an apologist for the Iranian regime could possibly claim that the boats shown were not acting in a threatening and reckless manner. And Majd has absolutely no evidence on which to base his accusation that the Pentagon manufactured or concocted any of this.


Just two days after the U.S. Navy released the eerie video of Iranian speedboats swarming around American warships, which featured a chilling threat in English, the Navy is saying that the voice on the tape could have come from the shore or from another ship.

The near-clash occurred over the weekend in the Strait of Hormuz. On the U.S.-released recording, a voice can be heard saying to the Americans, “I am coming to you. You will explode after a few minutes.”

The Navy never said specifically where the voices came from, but many were left with the impression they had come from the speedboats because of the way the Navy footage was edited.

Wingnut FAIL

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

[] It's like 2004 all over again

'It's like 2004 all over again'

Polling is as accurate as a 19th century weather forecast.
NH Primary

They might as well just pull their numbers out of thin air and deem them golden. They’d be just as likely to be accurate.

(for the record: Clinton won with 39%, Obama 36%, Edwards with 17%. Not even close to the polls above)

Monday, January 07, 2008

[] Professional Victims

'Professional Victims'

The right ain’t got nothin if they don’t have an aggrieved self-perception of victimhood. Latest example, the whiny idiots at RedState

Dear RedState Reader:

I have, as they say, some good news and some bad news.

(Short version: We need you to open your wallet and give what you can to build RedState 3.0. Go here to help. We need the money ASAP.)

The good news first: is about to embark on a major upgrade of our website that will make it easier, more informative, and just plain more fun for you to visit.

The bad news: our liberal "friends" – you know, the ones who believe so strongly in free speech and open debate – have done what they can to prevent us from making these improvements, so that our influence will be minimized just as we head into the 2008 presidential primary season.

No, our Blue State buddies haven't succeeded in stopping us from improving our website. But they've made it more difficult and more expensive – which is why I'm coming to you for help.

Let me explain …

You see, when we started RedState in May of 2004, we used a website program called Scoop — the same program a lot of similar sites on the left used. But, as the number of visitors to our site grew, Scoop kept crashing on us.

If we'd been a liberal website, we would have been able to fix the problem quickly and relatively cheaply. The online left loves Scoop. Unfortunately, there weren't really any conservative Scoop developers out there to help us. We kept crashing and were out of money. We had to close down or take drastic action.

Well, we didn't close down. We ditched Scoop and moved to the best alternative at the time, a program called Drupal. But, in accomplishing the switch, budget constraints forced us to sacrifice some popular site features in order to alleviate the strain on our overused servers.

Needless to say, we always regarded those "downgrades" as temporary, and we hoped to restore the eliminated features – and to add new and even better ones – as soon as we could afford to.

Unfortunately, we still can't afford to. But we're convinced that America can afford even less to have us operating at anything less than our absolute peak potential during the coming presidential election season.

So we've decided to move ahead with our upgrades without delay, and despite not having the cash on hand – hoping and praying that readers like you will help us make up the shortfall with a generous donation.

Here, specifically, is what we're planning to accomplish with your generous financial support …

Hahahahah… so, let me get this straight: the liberals, through their creation of the entire free-as-in-speech and free-as-in-beer software known as Scoop and Drupal were purposefully ratfucking conservative sites because… conservative programmers wouldn’t work for free?

Let me try again: Hi, we’re conservatives! We’re using socialized software that we aren’t paying for and we don’t want to pay anyone the value of their labor to code for us, so can you please give us some welfare money? kthxbai

Self awareness? Not for this bunch.

Side note: RedState is owned by a conservative media organization that had more than $8MM in sales last year, and they still can’t keep a shitty site operative. And people think conservatives are the successful business party?

[] The End of the Clinton Candidacy

'The End of the Clinton Candidacy'

The problem, you see, is that she’s a woman

How voters interpret Sen. Hillary Clinton’s composure - emotional, cold or just plain tough -could be a deciding factor in her campaign for the presidency, political analysts told

Earlier today at a campaign event in New Hampshire, Clinton’s voice broke and her eyes welled up with tears as she spoke to 16 undecided voters about her passion for the election as well as for the country.

You see, she can’t win. If she’s strong and businesslike, then she’s a frigid bitch. If she’s actually emotional, then she’s a crazy bitch (you know how wimmin are!). The Cligina never stood a chance. I give it about -30 minutes before one of the denizens of right blogistan declares that the display of emotion was a calculated move.

For a man, this would be OK (and a classic example of leveraging dominant stereotypes against type to your benefit) because he would be showing his compassion. For a woman in our narrative, there’s no benefit in either direction (see also: how the media treats those who were right about Iraq).

It’s a sad, sad state of affairs and an embarrassment for our country that our sexism and misogyny is so ingrained that this is our level of discourse. Jesus fuck, even Pakistan has had a female Prime Minister (sure she’s dead now and was a corrupt nepotist when alive, but she still had two X chromosomes. Reportedly. I haven’t checked).1

Also, fuck you, Edwards.

“I think what we need in a commander-in-chief is strength and resolve, and presidential campaigns are tough business, but being president of the United States is also tough business,” Edwards told reporters Laconia, New Hampshire.

While anything can be a political, there are far, far classier ways to address this issue. You know, like ones where you don’t come across as callous and sexist. Like, oh, how Obama handled it.

“I didn’t see what happened,” he said, but added, “I know this process is a grind. So that’s not something I care to comment on.”

Score one for wooooo!bama

Side note: “Jesus fuck” is my new favorite expression of exasperation

Sunday, January 06, 2008

[] Proud to be an Amurrikan!

'Proud to be an Amurrikan!'

where at least I know my GDPeeeeeeeee

For the first time in more than 100 years, British living standards have risen above those of Americans, a report has declared.

Increasing incomes, longer holidays and “free” healthcare have all contributed to making Britons better off than our friends across the Atlantic, according to the respected Oxford Economics consultancy.

Can we have that talk about socialized medicine v. free market health care discussion again now? How about that “Republicans are good for the economy” one?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

[] Take your pick

'Take your pick'

Michael Scherer is either the most brilliant satirist since Ambroce Bierce, or he’s the best fluffler since Linda Lovelace.

Here’s one thing you need to know about John McCain. He’s always been the coolest kid in school. He was the brat who racked up demerits at the Naval Academy. He was the hot dog pilot who went back to the skies weeks after almost dying in a fire on the U.S.S. Forrestal. His first wife was a model. His second wife was a rich girl, 17 years his junior. He kept himself together during years of North Vietnamese torture and solitary confinement. When he sits in the back of his campaign bus, we reporters gather like kids in the cafeteria huddling around the star quarterback. We ask him tough questions, and we try to make him slip up, but almost inevitably we come around to admiring him. He wants the challenge. He likes the give and take. He is, to put it simply, cooler than us.

You can make your own choice on this one, but me? I’m going with “Toothless” Gormy Gorm.

Please also note that this … person … is employed by Time magazine and constitutes an official member of our modern media corps.

[] An Overrripe Mellon

'An Overrripe Mellon'

Yet another story of hypocrisy, addition, sexual peccadilloes, and abhorrent behavior by the slimiest of the slimy slimesters that have so degraded our nation.

Richard Mellon Scaife, billionaire bankroller of conservative crusades, spent heavily to expose Bill Clinton's "Troopergate" misbehavior. Now Scaife's divorce from his second wife, Ritchie, is providing another unsavory saga—adultery! addiction! assault! dognapping!?!—as both parties let loose

Hahahahaaaaa… definitely the best schadenfreude moment o’ the year.

[] Fear of a Barack Planet

'Fear of a Barack Planet'

Given how the dog whistles have already begun (1, 2, 3, 4) and in preparation from November’s massive hate-n-bigotry fest that’s going to come from the right in November1, I just wanted to get ahead of the curve on this one.

Fear of a Barack Planet

By the way, this one is (tm, me), bitches. Y’all betta reckognize!

1. It’s going to be a hatred and bigotry fest no matter who the Dem candidate is, of course. Fear and hatred is the only way the right knows how to operate. The most obvious form is going to be racism, but that’s just one of their legion ways of getting their ragegasm on.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

[] Further Thoughts on Iowa

'Further Thoughts on Iowa'

Dem turnout: awesome. We’re gonna smear the GOP this year.

Thoughts: good speaker, if you can ignore the manic hands; turnout almost totally in his favor; I still hate his pandering run-to-the-right plus teh GAWD! and “end partisan” shit, but I could handle him as prez; I’m encouraged by the youth breaking for him and what that means for race relations, I’m discouraged that I think the “cool” won over the “best”; rhetoric works well, empty though it may be. Best part: Michelle. She rocks. His supporters love this guy. Then again, kids are great for initiating retarded three-syllable chants (”USA” and “Obama”… cf. Hillary’s supporters who couldn’t even keep up a tepid “Hi-la-rie!” chant for more than 15 seconds).

Bonus: the media doesn’t hate him. Yet. I think Chris Matthews gets wood every time he says “Obama.”

His “unity” and “hope” talk does nothing for me. I want retribution. I want to kick some major troglodyte ass, not hold hands and sing kumbaya. I want vengeance for knowing I would be first against the wall for so long.

Concerns: already covered. He’s still black, which hurts in the general election and he’s still running a Clinton/Lieberman strategy with piety thrown in, which hurts with my appreciation. You thought Nixon’s Southern Strategy has poisoned our country? Just wait until November’s ugliness.

Thoughts: populist message works well, lots of fight!fight!fight! rhetoric, feels most authentic of the populists. Elizabeth == teh awesome. Health care and jobs focus should score well with the real people (the Villagers be damned). I love that he never concedes anything. Kerry was a wimp.

Concerns: needs more closing vision in addition to the rhetoric; Iraq vote; money; even I am tired of the mill worker talk. Also, the media hates him.

Thoughts: dead in the water. From her wooden speaking, the media dislike, uninspiring message, obviously dispirited support, she’s just toast. She outstaffed Obama in Iowa, she spent more than $10M… and still finished third. Add in her pro-war centrism and absolute insiderism and she’s got no chance in a “change” election. I’ll be glad to get her out of the way after typhoon Tuesday.

Media hate hate hate haaaates her. Chris Matthews’ issues with wimmin are in full force every time he mentions her.

Thoughts: his aw shucks conversationalism goes over well with the “who would I like a beer with” crowd; the actual content of his talk brings shivers (of terror and rage) to my spine, and I can hear the vaginas of America preparing for the assault on their sovereignty. High likability factor, hound dog face helps with Matlock Americans.

Bonus: the GOP establishment is freaked the fuck out by Huck and will do anything they can to destroy him. He is the embodiment of the crazy religion wing of the party to whom they pander, but now he’s come out from under his rock. Once the country realizes his views are mainstream among the governing policies of the GOP, they will be diminished for a decade.

Mitt Romney
Thoughts: toast. He’s weird. He has no rapport. He has a wooden ear. Classless (his speech was the same time as Huckabees). The more people get to know him, the more people don’t like that formless freak. Bigtime doofus.

Fun fact: Mormonism is fanfic Christianity. I’m waiting for the Furry edition of the Book of Mormon.

Rudy Giuliani
Thoughts: The cousin fucker is starting to look amazingly like Willem Dafoe in Shadow of the Vampire. Compare:
Giuliani - Nosferatu
Rudy’s thinner now, it was more apparent on TV. Anyway, he’s toast too.

Thoughts: 4th place in Iowa (behind zomThompson) was good for him. Just ask the media.

[] I'm with Mrs. Grumpy on this one

'I'm with Mrs. Grumpy on this one'

Bill Richardson can sit n’ spin

Kucinich has thrown his second-round support behind Obama, and the rumor is Richardson will do the same. The Iowa Independent chalks it up to a desire to hurt Edwards’ chances with second round votes, damaging his campaign and potentially elevating Richardson into the #3 spot as the race moves forward.

[] And you thought the media was shameful in 2000

'And you thought the media was shameful in 2000'

Imagine these sophomoric little heathers in a Clinton-St. John McCain general election:

In a noble attempt to warm up reporters on caucus eve, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton made a surprise jaunt onto the press bus on Wednesday morning, bearing coffee and bagels. “It’s been a long campaign,” she said, standing at the front of the bus. “I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s been a great experience.” Dumbfounded by the appearance (her first and only on board the bus since she started campaigning almost exactly a year earlier), the traveling press corps watched in silence as she handed off the goods to Phil Singer, her spokesman, making a rare appearance on the press bus himself. Clinton then turned and left.

Just to restate: a/the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination steps onto the press bus, bringing gifts and yummies and the press, the defenders of our freedom and bringers of light into the darkness of untruthiness … sat mute. Not a single question. Just the cold shoulder.

Now, imagine if the bagels n’ coffee were brought by McCain. Or Bush ‘00.

Looking at the current results, Obama wins (unfortunately, that pandering choda scrubber), Edwards looks strong (he was outspent by more than 2:1 by both Obama and Hillary (each)), Hillary looks like toast. Huckabee creams the pathetic GOP crop and sends party aparatchiks into conniption fits, Romney’s toast and McCain looks utterly unelectable (he’s in 4th behind the animated corpse known as Thompson).

[] The Panoptic Era continues

'The Panoptic Era continues'

Sears distributing spyware edition

It’s not that Sears fails to notify users it intends to spy on them. Indeed, the email sent to users states that the application “monitors all of the internet behavior that occurs on the computer on which you install the application, including…filling a shopping basket, completing an application form, or checking your…personal financial or health information.”

The rub is that this unusually frank warning comes on page 10 of a 54-page privacy statement that is 2,971 words long. Edelman, who is a frequent critic of spyware companies, said the Sears document fails to meet standards established by the Federal Trade Commission when it settled with Direct Revenue and Zango over the lack of disclosure about the extent of their snoopware.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

[] C'mon Edwards, c'mon!

'C'mon Edwards, c'mon!'

I know I just said how much I like Dodd, but c’mon… dude’s dead in the water. Let’s go for option 1A: John Edwards.

Here’s some powerful populism for you:

It’s effective because it focuses on the voter, not the candidate. More, please.

[] Dem primaries - who cares what I think edition

'Dem primaries - who cares what I think edition'

Alright, there’s been time enough to decide who to back in the Dem primaries. My choice for 2008?

Chris Dodd

aside from tasteful name, he is right on the issues and is actually using his position of power to do the good, the right, and the gasp democratic actions.

From watching the debates, it is obvious that there are a slug of people on stage running for President of the United States and one person who is there to lead the country.

That leader is Chris Dodd.

Naturally, he hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell due to our shitty media and an unfortunate lack of photogenic qualities and being rather height-challenged, but check out his most recent actions - fighting against the telecom immunity, voting against Lieberman-Kyl, healthcare, energy, and openly discussing the need to restore our Constitution.

The full panoply, in order of preference:

  • 1. Chris Dodd - half-gnome, half kickass leader in a time of need
  • 2. John Edwards - most responsible for pulling the party back to the center-left, populist. Ironically, and tragically, way too young looking. He should grow a goatee.
  • 30. Dennis Kucinich - like his policies and history, no charisma and kinda freaked by his ongoing Damien-meets-Frankenstein demeanor.
  • 33. Hillary Clinton - she’s a centrist Republican who happens to be in the Democratic party. Biggest hawk of the bunch. She’ll make a fine president, if you’re into that whole Eisenhower-Ford part of the political spectrum. Downside: guaranteed to unite the right into a frothy lather. Fuck it. Bring ‘em on! Zombies are easy to kill, despite what the movies try to tell you.
  • 99. Barrack Obama - I’ve long had misgivings about his loose interpretation of that whole Establishment Clause (you know, the separation of Church and State thing), but this past week’s pandering to bigoted homophobes in a pathetic Mistah Souljah attempt combined with his almost Lieberman-esque pandering platitudes about “bridging the divide” and “reaching across the aisle” and “ending the bitter rancor of partisanship” was just too much. Listen, there is no middle. There is no across the aisle to be had. In today’s climate, and until this gilded age is ashes, there is only “us” and “them.” Seriously, I’m so pissed at his blatant stupidity and political cowardice I’m spitting tacks (my dentist thanks you). There are those who lead (i.e. Dodd) and those who talk about the need for leadership while occupying positions of power. Obama’s the latter. So much promise, so little actuality. Bonus points: the only thing that would galvanize the right more than Hillary would be the prospect of a black man in the White House (check out those SC primary numbers). Our country really is that retarded.
  • 50688203. Biden, Gravel, my dead cat, and Trixie the whore from Deadwood - who cares, really? They all have equal shots at the presidency, but at least I like the latter two.

I fully expect Dodd to end up where my former favorite primary candidates ended up (that is, eating snickerdoodles in green rooms nationwide), but I can’t help myself…

Feel the Doddmania!

Update: fuck Kucinich. Damian-turned-candidate just asked his supporters to vote for “I’m running to the hard right of the base… just like Bill did!” Obama as a second choice in the Iowa primaries tomorrow. On the issues, Edwards is clearly the logical support for Kucinich. Simply put, Dennis was bought, lock, stock and barrel.