'Further Thoughts on Iowa'
Dem turnout: awesome. We’re gonna smear the GOP this year.
Thoughts: good speaker, if you can ignore the manic hands; turnout almost totally in his favor; I still hate his pandering run-to-the-right plus teh GAWD! and “end partisan” shit, but I could handle him as prez; I’m encouraged by the youth breaking for him and what that means for race relations, I’m discouraged that I think the “cool” won over the “best”; rhetoric works well, empty though it may be. Best part: Michelle. She rocks. His supporters love this guy. Then again, kids are great for initiating retarded three-syllable chants (”USA” and “Obama”… cf. Hillary’s supporters who couldn’t even keep up a tepid “Hi-la-rie!” chant for more than 15 seconds).
Bonus: the media doesn’t hate him. Yet. I think Chris Matthews gets wood every time he says “Obama.”
His “unity” and “hope” talk does nothing for me. I want retribution. I want to kick some major troglodyte ass, not hold hands and sing kumbaya. I want vengeance for knowing I would be first against the wall for so long.
Concerns: already covered. He’s still black, which hurts in the general election and he’s still running a Clinton/Lieberman strategy with piety thrown in, which hurts with my appreciation. You thought Nixon’s Southern Strategy has poisoned our country? Just wait until November’s ugliness.
Thoughts: populist message works well, lots of fight!fight!fight! rhetoric, feels most authentic of the populists. Elizabeth == teh awesome. Health care and jobs focus should score well with the real people (the Villagers be damned). I love that he never concedes anything. Kerry was a wimp.
Concerns: needs more closing vision in addition to the rhetoric; Iraq vote; money; even I am tired of the mill worker talk. Also, the media hates him.
Thoughts: dead in the water. From her wooden speaking, the media dislike, uninspiring message, obviously dispirited support, she’s just toast. She outstaffed Obama in Iowa, she spent more than $10M… and still finished third. Add in her pro-war centrism and absolute insiderism and she’s got no chance in a “change” election. I’ll be glad to get her out of the way after typhoon Tuesday.
Media hate hate hate haaaates her. Chris Matthews’ issues with wimmin are in full force every time he mentions her.
Thoughts: his aw shucks conversationalism goes over well with the “who would I like a beer with” crowd; the actual content of his talk brings shivers (of terror and rage) to my spine, and I can hear the vaginas of America preparing for the assault on their sovereignty. High likability factor, hound dog face helps with Matlock Americans.
Bonus: the GOP establishment is freaked the fuck out by Huck and will do anything they can to destroy him. He is the embodiment of the crazy religion wing of the party to whom they pander, but now he’s come out from under his rock. Once the country realizes his views are mainstream among the governing policies of the GOP, they will be diminished for a decade.
Mitt Romney
Thoughts: toast. He’s weird. He has no rapport. He has a wooden ear. Classless (his speech was the same time as Huckabees). The more people get to know him, the more people don’t like that formless freak. Bigtime doofus.
Fun fact: Mormonism is fanfic Christianity. I’m waiting for the Furry edition of the Book of Mormon.
Rudy Giuliani
Thoughts: The cousin fucker is starting to look amazingly like Willem Dafoe in Shadow of the Vampire. Compare:
Rudy’s thinner now, it was more apparent on TV. Anyway, he’s toast too.
Thoughts: 4th place in Iowa (behind zomThompson) was good for him. Just ask the media.