Alright, there’s been time enough to decide who to back in the Dem primaries. My choice for 2008?
aside from tasteful name, he is right on the issues and is actually using his position of power to do the good, the right, and the gasp democratic actions.
From watching the debates, it is obvious that there are a slug of people on stage running for President of the United States and one person who is there to lead the country.
That leader is Chris Dodd.
Naturally, he hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell due to our shitty media and an unfortunate lack of photogenic qualities and being rather height-challenged, but check out his most recent actions - fighting against the telecom immunity, voting against Lieberman-Kyl, healthcare, energy, and openly discussing the need to restore our Constitution.
The full panoply, in order of preference:
- 1. Chris Dodd - half-gnome, half kickass leader in a time of need
- 2. John Edwards - most responsible for pulling the party back to the center-left, populist. Ironically, and tragically, way too young looking. He should grow a goatee.
- …
- 30. Dennis Kucinich - like his policies and history, no charisma and kinda freaked by his ongoing Damien-meets-Frankenstein demeanor.
- 33. Hillary Clinton - she’s a centrist Republican who happens to be in the Democratic party. Biggest hawk of the bunch. She’ll make a fine president, if you’re into that whole Eisenhower-Ford part of the political spectrum. Downside: guaranteed to unite the right into a frothy lather. Fuck it. Bring ‘em on! Zombies are easy to kill, despite what the movies try to tell you.
- 99. Barrack Obama - I’ve long had misgivings about his loose interpretation of that whole Establishment Clause (you know, the separation of Church and State thing), but this past week’s pandering to bigoted homophobes in a pathetic Mistah Souljah attempt combined with his almost Lieberman-esque pandering platitudes about “bridging the divide” and “reaching across the aisle” and “ending the bitter rancor of partisanship” was just too much. Listen, there is no middle. There is no across the aisle to be had. In today’s climate, and until this gilded age is ashes, there is only “us” and “them.” Seriously, I’m so pissed at his blatant stupidity and political cowardice I’m spitting tacks (my dentist thanks you). There are those who lead (i.e. Dodd) and those who talk about the need for leadership while occupying positions of power. Obama’s the latter. So much promise, so little actuality. Bonus points: the only thing that would galvanize the right more than Hillary would be the prospect of a black man in the White House (check out those SC primary numbers). Our country really is that retarded.
- 50688203. Biden, Gravel, my dead cat, and Trixie the whore from Deadwood - who cares, really? They all have equal shots at the presidency, but at least I like the latter two.
I fully expect Dodd to end up where my former favorite primary candidates ended up (that is, eating snickerdoodles in green rooms nationwide), but I can’t help myself…
Update: fuck Kucinich. Damian-turned-candidate just asked his supporters to vote for “I’m running to the hard right of the base… just like Bill did!” Obama as a second choice in the Iowa primaries tomorrow. On the issues, Edwards is clearly the logical support for Kucinich. Simply put, Dennis was bought, lock, stock and barrel.
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