President George W. Bush hailed the conviction of Saddam Hussein as a milestone in Iraq but Democrats vowed to take the war there in a new direction if they seize control of the U.S. Congress on Tuesday.
The former Iraq president was sentenced to death by hanging by a U.S.- sponsored court in Baghdad on Sunday after being found guilty of crimes against humanity. Bush did not directly address the death sentence that has been assailed by Washington's close European allies.
I think they gave up even trying to pretend that it was anything but a show trial in a kangaroo court about 7 months ago. Once they started barring defense witnesses form taking the stand or giving Saddam any more time after his umpteenth lawyer was assassinated, it was observant to all but the mouthbreathers of the 101st Fighting Keyboard brigade that the fix was in.
Needless to say, I have serious questions about the legitimacy of this verdict and this court. This was no Nuremberg, this was the biggest show since the Moscow Trials.
Note: I'm not commenting at all on the merits or lack thereof of Hussein himself, merely on the procedural inadequacies that made this court and this verdict no more relevant to justice than a shadow play is to a popcorn vendor.
A proper trial would have shed light on many of Saddam's activities and answered questions that he will now apparently take with him to the grave. No good ever comes from false showings of justice or pretensions of the rule of law. Much like voting Republican, only bad can come of these lies.
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