Thursday, November 09, 2006

Slavery is Freedom.

War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength.

Continuing the ongoing thread LaMoron Barber weighs in with yet another “conservatism didn’t fail, the GOP did” editorial. She’s also carrying the bullshit meme about how conservatism actually won in this 2006 midterm election.

Republican politicians may have been ousted, but conservative policies prevailed, particularly the ban on so-called same sex marriage. Something similar happened during the 2004 presidential election. In response to a Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruling declaring the state's ban on homosexual "marriage" unconstitutional, all 11 states with measures protecting marriage passed those measures, including states that [former presidential candidate] Sen. John Kerry won.

Despite clearly supporting certain conservative ideals, voting Americans rejected the men behind the policies.

So tell me, LaMoron, conservatism is passing an increase in the minimum wage everywhere it was proposed?

Conservative ideals rejected the anti-choice, pro-women’s reproductive freedom bill in South Dakota?

Conservative ideals rejected anti-choice, pro-women’s reporductive freedom notification laws in Oregon and California?

Conservative ideals supported stem cell research in Missouri?

Conservative ideals ending the estate tax in Washington?

Conservative ideals rejected a ban on same-sex marriages in Arizona?

Conservative ideals defeated Kansas AG Phil “I seize women’s abortion records” Kline’s reelection bid?

I’m not even sure what conservatism means anymore. Is Heath Shuler considered a conservative for his economic values or a liberal for his socialist/populist labor opinions?

Was it conservatism that placed a woman from San Francisco at the head of one of our branches of the legislature?

No, of course not. What actually happened was an American populace that finally, finally, voted for candidates that actually reflect what they believe rather than support a tiny minority of theocratic authoritarians with a deep south power base and outlook. The trogolodytes are finally being put back in the dank, dark cave from whence they came. It’s also where they’re happiest, eating blind cave fish and developing mucus-skin coverings that bioluminesce in the presence of forbidden thoughts.

Originally posted at:

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