Tuesday, December 18, 2007

[Grumpasaurus.com] Because I hate you, that's why

'Because I hate you, that's why'

The worst thing since Pammy’s Dontcha Wish vlog

Here’s Pantless Jugs, for reference:

See also:
Bush Was Right

(p.s. Billy Joel’s lawyers wants a word with you, boys)

and, of course, Mann Maltmouse drunk vlogging

OK, Annie wins in a runaway due to the overwhelming accrual of pathetic narcissism points.

Sorry, I’ve done so much good this year, I needed to balance that out lest I find a solid platinum Bentley under my tree this year.


Monday, December 17, 2007

[Grumpasaurus.com] Dodd wins! Dodd wins! Dodd wins!

'Dodd wins! Dodd wins! Dodd wins!'

along with the Bill of Rights

Harry Reid just pulled the telecom bill

This is like the 1980 winter Olympics all over again.

Side note: the bill will back in 2008. Stay sharp, people.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

[Grumpasaurus.com] Feel the Doddmania

'Feel the Doddmania'

Chris Dodd is going to filibuster the pro-authoritarian “fixed” FISA bill tomorrow. The site has links to how you can offer your support (things he can read, how to contact your congresscritters). AFAIK only Kennedy and Feingold have his back so far. Encourage your senator to help out.

Thank you for standing up for the Bill of Rights, Chris.


[Grumpasaurus.com] Like chocolate and peanut butter

'Like chocolate and peanut butter'

only where the chocolate and peanut butter are both made from different consistencies of offal… Lieberman (Asshatovillistan-CT) steps to the plate to once again show his deaf, dumb, and blind political instincts and serial tendency to support bad ideas and lost causes … (drumroll) … endorses McCain for preznit

This event should come as no surprise to anyone except for Harry Reid. Brace yourselves for 2 weeks of Dean Broder and the other Unity 2008 fetishists to be swooning in their eggnog. I think I heard Sam Waterston’s fly unzipping when the news came out.

Now you’ve got the megalomaniacal DINO-Republican whose former party loathes him “making a splash” for the “maverick” christianist megalomaniacal Republican whose current party doesn’t trust him or his fealty to the party line.

Sounds like win-win to me.
Lieberman + McCain = Diaper dude

… alternate math: 3-way.

(I couldn’t decide. So sue me. You’re just lucky I couldn’t think of a decent image for “crap sandwich.”)


Thursday, December 13, 2007

So you trust wikipedia, eh?

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'So you trust wikipedia, eh?'

You might want to check who is writing the entries

The gospel of truth according to fake penis experts and nerds with chips on their shoulders, Wikipedia, has been edited by a Bush friendly member of the US House of Representatives.

Apparently the person was so concerned that people no longer bought the story about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that he or she took to tampering with the Whackypedia entry.

The entry was edited by someone with a House of Representatives IP address to make the bizarre claim that there was a link between the terrorist organisation al Qaeda and the Iraq government.

Orwell wept. See also, the CIA and Vatican.

A US hacker’s homemade program to pinpoint origins of Wikipedia edits indicates that alterations to the popular online encyclopedia have come from the CIA and the Vatican.

Virgil Griffith’s “Wikiscanner” points to Central Intelligence Agency computers as the sources of nearly 300 edits to subjects including Iran’s president, the Argentine navy, and China’s nuclear arsenal.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Impeach them all

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Impeach them all'

It’s the only solution.

In September 2002, four members of Congress met in secret for a first look at a unique CIA program designed to wring vital information from reticent terrorism suspects in U.S. custody. For more than an hour, the bipartisan group, which included current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), was given a virtual tour of the CIA’s overseas detention sites and the harsh techniques interrogators had devised to try to make their prisoners talk.

Among the techniques described, said two officials present, was waterboarding, a practice that years later would be condemned as torture by Democrats and some Republicans on Capitol Hill. But on that day, no objections were raised. Instead, at least two lawmakers in the room asked the CIA to push harder, two U.S. officials said.

With one known exception, no formal objections were raised by the lawmakers briefed about the harsh methods during the two years in which waterboarding was employed, from 2002 to 2003, said Democrats and Republicans with direct knowledge of the matter. The lawmakers who held oversight roles during the period included Pelosi and Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and Sens. Bob Graham (D-Fla.) and John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), as well as Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan).

Now you know why impeachment is off the table. All their hands are dirty.

Solution: impeach them all.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Daly is no student of Twain

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Daly is no student of Twain'

It is better to let people think you’re a cocksmoking douchebag than to act it out and remove all doubt.

NBC late night host Carson Daly, who today announced that he is returning to the air in the face of the ongoing writers strike, wants his friends and family to help with his scab efforts. In an e-mail, Daly asked a small group of contacts to call in “suggested jokes” to a telephone hotline, noting that he would “play some, most, or all of your jokes on the air.”

That’s Scab Daly to you, bitches.

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

We are a Rogue Nation

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'We are a Rogue Nation'

I haven’t blogged in a long while for a confluence of reasons, primarily work-related. However, I’m also disheartened, sickened, and at a loss as to what we, the People, can do to reclaim our nation from the bloodthirsty authoritarian junta that has destroyed the America I know and love.

So far… I’ve got nothin’.

Absent large scale collective action we, the People, have lost any voice in the direction of our country. Even “our” side is absolutely worthless - the Democrats have done nothing but further the imperialist, disgusting, nation-destroying agenda of the Republican administration. They’ve backed down from every fight, they’ve condemned MoveOn.org, they’ve continued unrestricted funding for our adventure in Iraq all for no purpose. A huge majority in this country is on the side they are supposed to be representing, and they’ve abandoned us. Whether because of cowardice, cooption, or political calculation that the lefties aren’t going to vote GOP so they should take votes from the right (which isn’t going to happen). Let me rephrase, whehter because of cowardice, cooption, or stupidity is of no matter to me. The Democrats have failed we, the People, and we have no one left to turn to except each other. And we cannot collectivize - They own the government, They own the media, and They have the money.

It’s depressing and it makes me spitting mad.

Now, the latest from the megalomaniacal Cheney administration is ramping up to attack Iran. He’s wanted to do this for a long time (he’s so delusional, I would not be surprised if he was suffering from late-term syphillitic corruption), but the military brass was against it sufficiently to make it only a low-likelihood option, though real nonetheless. In the past couple weeks, things have changed: the Lieberman-Kyl amendment (to which Hilary fucking Clinton voted aye) is the equivalent of the Iraq war resolution on Iran passed last week. Then a Senate resolution designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization passed. And now, today, Sy Hersh reveals that the Navy brass (in particular) is on board, the strategy has changed from ‘invade’ to ’surgical strikes’, and the PR campaign is ramping up.

This summer, the White House, pushed by the office of Vice-President Dick Cheney, requested that the Joint Chiefs of Staff redraw long-standing plans for a possible attack on Iran, according to former officials and government consultants. The focus of the plans had been a broad bombing attack, with targets including Iran's known and suspected nuclear facilities and other military and infrastructure sites. Now the emphasis is on "surgical" strikes on Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities in Tehran and elsewhere, which, the Administration claims, have been the source of attacks on Americans in Iraq. What had been presented primarily as a counter-proliferation mission has been reconceived as counterterrorism.

Make no mistake, we attack Iran and we are fucked. Our troops in Iraq will be waging Khe Sanh on a nationwide scale, isolated, alone, and attacked in a fashion that is going to chew up our military. Dien Bien Phu will look like a logistical success compared to the meatgrinder our troops are going to be in. Plus, Iran has far more power globally than Iraq did. If we attack them unprovoked, expect them to bring the war here (I’m sure the irony will be lost, yet again, on the Caligulistas in charge). The attacks here will remove all vestiges of the Constitution to which we still cling and we will be living in an outright police state. Less safe and more warlike with every passing day.

I used to think we had about 50 years until the end of the American hegemony, maybe 70. The signs of our collapse were there from the time of Nixon, but it was a slow decline. I would like to thank the Cheney administration for acting as the catalyst that has reduced that number to approximately 0. Their foreign policy combined with their fiscal policy has already put us past the point of no return in terms of our dominance. We’re approximately a hairsbreadth away from cementing the timeline as “yesterday.”

There is no suffering sufficient for what the members of the Cheney administration deserve. There is no forgiveness for any of us either. I hope I meet Cheney in hell so I can pull him further down his impaling stake. It still would not be enough.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What liberal media? pt. 4050

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'What liberal media? pt. 4050'

Now with objective numbers

The results show that in paper after paper, state after state, and region after region, conservative syndicated columnists get more space than their progressive counterparts. As Editor & Publisher paraphrased one syndicate executive noting, “U.S. dailies run more conservative than liberal columns, but some are willing to consider liberal voices.”

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Rat, meet sinking ship

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Rat, meet sinking ship'

Sinking ship, rat

Karl Rove, President Bush’s close friend and chief political strategist, announced Monday he will leave the White House at the end of August

That’s ratfucker to you, bub

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Mr. Reaperman

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Mr. Reaperman'

Please try harder next time

Chief Justice John Roberts suffered a seizure at his summer home in Maine on Monday, causing a fall that resulted in minor scrapes, Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said.

He will remain in a hospital in Maine overnight.

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Not the America I know, pt. 467

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Not the America I know, pt. 467'

Cop goes apeshit over upside down flag, assaults citizens

The Buncombe County Sheriff's Office arrested activists Mark and Deborah Kuhn in West Asheville Wednesday morning after a complaint that the couple was desecrating an American flag. They say a deputy invaded their home and used excessive force.

If you think this is an isolated example of this behavior, I’ve got a nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mitt Romney, torturer

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Mitt Romney, torturer'

His brand of substance-free pussified blowhard sociopathy fits right in with the modern GOP. I can’t imagine why he doesn’t have more followers.

The incident: dog excrement found on the roof and windows of the Romney station wagon. How it got there: Romney strapped a dog carrier — with the family dog Seamus, an Irish Setter, in it — to the roof of the family station wagon for a twelve hour drive from Boston to Ontario, which the family apparently completed, despite Seamuss rather visceral protest.

Let me repeat: rather than kennel his animal or make room in the car, he strapped it to the roof for a 12 hour drive. 12. hours.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

War is hell

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'War is hell'

Even for the KBR contractors

Samuel Walker saw combat in Iraq firsthand: He was splattered with human flesh and shrapnel in a dining hall when a suicide bomber blew himself up just a few feet away.

When Walker got back to the U.S., he brought some of the battlefield home with him. He heard phantom screams in broad daylight, smelled gunpowder that wasn’t there. A loud noise would send him into a defensive crouch. He’d been eating French fries in the mess hall at the time of the blast, and the sight of a McDonald’s restaurant now brought back violent memories.

Two doctors diagnosed Walker with post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, directly related to his close encounters with violence in Iraq.

But Walker was not a combat soldier. He was a civilian recreation supervisor for KBR, the largest contractor in Iraq. And instead of getting the medical and counseling help he sought, Walker, a U.S. Army veteran, found himself caught in a morass of red tape and rejected insurance claims.

I post this for a few reasons including, inter alia, our country’s inability to treat mental illnesses as illnesses, the ridiculousness of our so-called “health-care system”, my interest in (and prediction that) the major systemic healthcare burden for our veterans (contactors included) is going to become increasingly psychology-focused rather than physicality-focused as field medical technology and other protective war tech preserves people’s bodies but leaves our minds as exposed as they’ve always been, and that the government has essentially been paying for Huguenots, but refuses to acknowledge them as such (no VA for you, buddy!)

That may be a record for longest run-on in the history of this blog. Probably.

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Elections have consequences

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Elections have consequences'

Too bad this one is that the zombies of America have stuck us with a regressive group of misogynistic sadists on the Supreme Court.

Mr. Bowles, an Ohio inmate, challenged his conviction in federal district court and lost. The court told Mr. Bowles that he had until Feb. 27 to appeal. He filed the appeal on Feb. 26, and was ready to argue why he was wrongly convicted. But it turned out the district court made a mistake. The appeal should have been filed by Feb. 24.

The Supreme Court ruled, 5 to 4, in a majority opinion written by Justice Clarence Thomas, that Mr. Bowles was out of luck, and his appeal was invalid. So much for heeding a federal judge.

A special shout out to the cowardly Dems who were “keeping their powders dry” when they chose not to fight first Roberts then scAlito.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

R.I.P. Steve Gilliard

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'R.I.P. Steve Gilliard'

Steve Gilliard died after a long fight with illness. His cantankerous energy was always a welcome part of my reading day. He was 41.

Goodbye Steve, you will be missed.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hey Democrats

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Hey Democrats'

Don’t want to be thought of as a bunch of pussies? Then stop acting like a bunch of pussies.

Media analysts are casting the Democrats’ decision to pass an Iraq spending bill without a pullout provision as a win for the White House. MSNBC’s Hardball, for example, said “after weeks of refusing to back down to the White House, today Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did just that.” NBC Nightly News reported, “The Democrats will argue they took a tough stand here, but the reality is that facing a veto threat, they backed off.” USA Today describes the Democrats as “flinching,” the New York Times calls “the decision to back down” a “wrenching reversal for leading Democrats,” and the Washington Times titles its front-page story “Democrats Capitulate On War Funds.”

You were elected in 2006 to end the war. Over 2/3rds of the American populace wants us out and out ASAP. Bush’s support is under 30%, and this is what you do? You capitulate on a nonnegotiable item to a weak Caligula and a weaker congress.

The only against you right now are Caligula, his enablers, and the media. If you can’t stand up to the opposition party and the idiotsphere, then you don’t deserve to be in Congress.

Poorly played, Dems, poorly played. You now own this war just as much as the GOP. You fucking cowardly idiots.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Welcome to Alaska

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Welcome to Alaska'

Here’s your letter to the editor (reg req’d, use BugMeNot)

It’s time to wrap up the comic strip “Sally Forth” and put her in the recycle bin.

I was appalled at Wednesday’s comic making light of Ted stealing a computer from his office. When the next comic didn’t go anywhere toward explaining that he didn’t mean it or that he was getting his comeuppance, that finished any interest I had in the strip. The comeuppance may show up in a few days, but with our short memories and occasional neglect of the comics page, it will be too little too late to do any good.

I haven’t liked “Sally Forth” for some time; it’s tiresome that she always, always gets the last word. When this feminist comic star first appeared in print, it was a delightful change. But that was then. It’s gone on too long and is too one-sided.

Please get rid of it and bring back “Arlo and Janice.” They have a very intelligent cat.

Beverly Haywood


and here’s the strip at issue:
Sally Forth

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Lack of posting

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Lack of posting'

Sorry, there’s been a job search going on and big networking changes at work made the blogging more difficult (well, sorta. I was also burnt out).

But … I’ve got a new job… which will keep me super busy and I’ll be a Very Important Person and all that now, but also requires moving to a whole new area where I figure I’m going to have nothing to do in the evenings except comment about the world. And how hot it is there.

Apologies for the absences, but I figure I just want to beat billmon to the punch on the whole Lazarus thing.

See you soon.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I'm sure he's toasty and warm now

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'I'm sure he's toasty and warm now'

Falwell dies at age 73

The Rev. Jerry Falwell has died, a Liberty University executive said Tuesday. He was 73.

Earlier, the executive said Falwell was hospitalized in “gravely serious” condition after being found unconscious in his office.

Toodles, fucker.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Amnesia'

Giuliani warns of ‘new 9/11′ if Dems win

Rudy Giuliani said if a Democrat is elected president in 2008, America will be at risk for another terrorist attack on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001.

But if a Republican is elected, he said, especially if it is him, terrorist attacks can be anticipated and stopped.

“If any Republican is elected president â€"- and I think obviously I would be the best at this â€"- we will remain on offense and will anticipate what [the terrorists] will do and try to stop them before they do it,” Giuliani said.

If only there had been a Republican government in power on 9/11, then all of this could have been stopped!

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Limbo's only for beach parties now

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Limbo's only for beach parties now'

Catholic Church buries limbo after centuries

The Roman Catholic Church has effectively buried the concept of limbo, the place where centuries of tradition and teaching held that babies who die without baptism went.

In a long-awaited document, the Church’s International Theological Commission said limbo reflected an “unduly restrictive view of salvation,” according to the U.S.-based Catholic News Service, which obtained a copy on Friday.

The thumbs-down verdict on limbo had been expected for years and the document, called “The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptised,” was seen as most likely to be final since limbo was never formally part of Church doctrine.

Pope Benedict authorized the publication of the document.

Seriously? WTF?

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The Bank

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'The Bank'

Great work, creator o’ vid!

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Libby is Guilty as Charged

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Libby is Guilty as Charged'

Ahhh… the rule of law

In the biggest news story of the year so far out of Washington, I Lewis “Scooter” Libby, a former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, has just been convicted by a jury for lying about his role in the public outing of a covert CIA officer whose husband, a former diplomat, had strongly challenged the Bush administration’s case for going to war against Iraq.

Now, given the testimony and what we know, it is obviously time to impeach Cheney. Granted, he and Bush should have been impeached long ago, but we have even stronger evidence of his felonious activities now.

Impeach Cheney before that blood clot finally kills the evil bastard.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Iran'

Stop this insane, bloodthirsty authoritarian administration before they kill again.

Some view the spiraling attacks as a strand in a worrisome pattern. At least one former White House official contends that some Bush advisers secretly want an excuse to attack Iran. “They intend to be as provocative as possible and make the Iranians do something [America] would be forced to retaliate for,” says Hillary Mann, the administration’s former National Security Council director for Iran and Persian Gulf Affairs. U.S. officials insist they have no intention of provoking or otherwise starting a war with Iran, and they were also quick to deny any link to Sharafi’s kidnapping. But the fact remains that the longstanding war of words between Washington and Tehran is edging toward something more dangerous. A second Navy carrier group is steaming toward the Persian Gulf, and NEWSWEEK has learned that a third carrier will likely follow. Iran shot off a few missiles in those same tense waters last week, i n a highly publicized test. With Americans and Iranians jousting on the chaotic battleground of Iraq, the chances of a small incident’s spiraling into a crisis are higher than they’ve been in years.

Yeah, we’re totally not attacking Iran. Totally.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Clarkeggedon'

Rumor is, the General is in.

Which is a good thing, since Clarke is, until he is officially out of the race, the officially endorsed candidate of this here site. Go check him out and when you find yourself nodding in agreement and saying “hell yeah, Wes!” then come on back here and… well, OK. You don’t have to come back here. But remember Clarke and get ready for primary season.

You want electable? How about a brilliant southern general who did not lose a single soldier in a shooting campaign? How about an aggressive liberal/moderate who believes in the social good, rational international relations, and logical economic policy? A guy who is already experienced in diplomacy and highly regarded internationally.

Let’s go, General. Your country needs you. Again.

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Second verse, same as the first

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Second verse, same as the first'

Where have we heard this before?

The Bush administration has postponed plans to offer public details of its charges of Iranian meddling inside Iraq amid internal divisions over the strength of the evidence, U.S. officials said.

Am I dreaming or does no one else in the media remember 2002? Jebus on a stick, we’re stuck in an endless loop of idiocy and evil perpetuated by the administration and abetted by the media and spineless Dems.

For the Dem examples, two of the announced front runners, both of whom voted for the Iraq resolutions apparently learned nothing from the worst foreign policy blunder in our nation’s history or the administration’s mendacity. Both Clinton and Edwards have come out and essentially said that war is still on the table with regards to Iran.

Here’s Clinton:

“U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal: We cannot, we should not, we must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons,” the Democrat told a crowd of Israel supporters. “In dealing with this threat … no option can be taken off the table.”

Here’s Edwards:

Iran must know that the world won't back down. The recent UN resolution ordering Iran to halt the enrichment of uranium was not enough. We need meaningful political and economic sanctions. We have muddled along for far too long. To ensure that Iran never gets nuclear weapons, we need to keep ALL options on the table, Let me reiterate – ALL options must remain on the table.

Make no mistake, we all know exactly what they mean by no option: a preventive strike on Iran by US forces. That’s the stated presidential philosophy, that’s what our options are: do nothing or attack.

Here’s my message to both of you: you’re not getting my support now, let alone my vote. Attacking Iran is a mistake of monumental proportions. In addition to the illegality of it. In addition to the inhumanity, immorality, and cowardice of an attack, it will result in the death of thousands of our troops in Iraq and in the Gulf and make us a pariah state on the scale of a late-80s South Africa or an anytime Israel.

If we let this happen, we have all failed, but none so much as those with a voice and the power to derail this train who instead add coal to the furnace.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Get on the phone. Now.

Grumpasaurus.com has posted a new item, 'Get on the phone. Now.'

Before the attack on Iran becomes a fait accompli

The Air Force is preparing for an expanded role in Iraq that could include aggressive new tactics designed to deter Iranian assistance to Iraqi militants, senior Pentagon officials said.

The efforts could include more forceful patrols by Air Force and Navy fighter planes along the Iran-Iraq border to counter the smuggling of bomb supplies from Iran, a senior Pentagon official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was discussing future military plans.

Such missions also could position the Air Force to strike suspected bomb suppliers inside Iraq to deter Iranian agents that U.S. officials say are assisting Iraqi militias, outside military experts said.

Note: this is in addition to making a Naval officer (with specialty in air strikes) head of CENTCOM and the current bullshit whispers about us killing Iranian agents who were mixed in with the Iraqi militias.

Look, they - the authoritarian nutbags in the administration - are going to attack Iran unless we do something about it.

So do something, already.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blind squirrel, meet nut

An actual, honest to goodness, straight talk from a pol. A Republican no less:

Credit where credit is due. Bravo, sir.

(I’m at a conference all week, hence the light posting)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Alright, Barack

I’m starting to really dislike you

“Our leaders in Washington seem incapable of working together in a practical, commonsense way,” Obama said in a video posted on his Web site. “Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can’t tackle the big problems that demand solutions. And that’s what we have to change first.”

Remind you of anyone? Like, oh, Lieberman.

Listen, you triangulating, do-nothing, gasbag… there is no need for you to adopt the GOP talking points and DC punditocracy formulations of “reality” in order to be accepted.

No one likes a triangulator. Except perhaps Clinton, Bill… and his presidency was an ahistorical aberration… and you’ll also remember that that particular triangulator was despised by the DC ruling class.

So don’t excuse the rabid GOP destruction of our governance as “partisanship” that applies equally to both Dems and Repubs… use your parliamentary power. Don’t talk about the challenges to big problems that demand solutions… solve them.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Everything you need to know about Big Pharma

They’re evil and they only care about your health if it helps their profitability.

It is expected there would be no problems securing funding to explore a drug that could shrink cancerous tumors and has no side-effects in humans, but University of Alberta researcher Evangelos Michelakis has hit a stalemate with the private sector who would normally fund such a venture.

Michelakis’ drug is none other than dichloroacetate (DCA), a drug which cannot be patented and costs pennies to make.

It’s no wonder he can’t secure the $400-600 million needed to conduct human trials with the medicine - the drug doesn’t have the potential to make enough money.

Michelakis told reporters they will be applying to public agencies for funding, as pharmaceuticals are reluctant to pick up the drug.

At roughly $2 a dose, there isn’t much chance to make a billion on the cancer treatment over the long term.

According to research on DCA, formerly used to fight metabolic disease in children, the drug apparently revitalizes damaged mitochondria in cancer cells, effectively triggering cell death and shrinking the cells.

“One of the really exciting things about this compound is that it might be able to treat many different forms of cancer,” explained Michelakis.

This is also a large part of what’s wrong with the American medical system.

Who would ever want a $2 pill that shrinks/kills tumors with no side effects? Don’t be ridiculous. The mere idea of such a thing being desirable is absurd.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Say No to Attacking Iran

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Frogs... the water is starting to bubble

Military Is Expanding Its Intelligence Role in U.S.

The Pentagon has been using a little-known power to obtain banking and credit records of hundreds of Americans and others suspected of terrorism or espionage inside the United States, part of an aggressive expansion by the military into domestic intelligence gathering.

The C.I.A. has also been issuing what are known as national security letters to gain access to financial records from American companies, though it has done so only rarely, intelligence officials say.

Banks, credit card companies and other financial institutions receiving the letters usually have turned over documents voluntarily, allowing investigators to examine the financial assets and transactions of American military personnel and civilians, officials say.

What we’ve got here is an agency that is forbidden from spying on citizens… spying on citizens… without a warrant… keeping the information in a database (read: forEVER)… and using this information in completely unaccountable, untold ways. Oh, and the Pentagon, NSA, and FBI are also in the act.

This is unconstitutional, illegal, and exceedingly dangerous. Whatever remained of our democracy is teetering on the brink of elimination.

Interesting how the righty jackasses screaming about jackbooted thugs in powder blue helmets are totally OK with this when there’s a Republican administration in charge. Idiots. Don’t you know that your names too are going to be on the list eventually?

Friday, January 12, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Attack Iran? You betcha!

I’m putting the over/under on “some time in the next 3 months… whenever that best weather month is.” From last night’s speech

Though President Bush’s national address Wednesday night was about Iraq, his most provocative comments focused on her neighbor, Iran.

Early in his speech Bush raised the matter of Iran, suggesting that if U.S. efforts to secure Iraq failed, “Iran would be emboldened in its pursuit of nuclear weapons.”

Bush blamed both Syria and Iran in helping radical insurgents within Iraq.

“These two regimes are allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq,” he said.

He then singled out Iran, adding that she “is providing material support for attacks on American troops.”

Bush made an implied military threat against both nations: “We will disrupt the attacks on our forces. We will interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria. And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq.”

The President continued in this vein, suggesting a larger U.S. goal of stopping Iran’s nuclear program:

“We are also taking other steps to bolster the security of Iraq and protect American interests in the Middle East. I recently ordered the deployment of an additional carrier strike group to the region. We will expand intelligence sharing — and deploy Patriot air defense systems to reassure our friends and allies.

So you’ve got a 30% approval president pursuing a 12% approval strategy of escalation pumping a sub-5% new attack on a new target that is not threatening us… tell me again how we’re living in a democracy instead of an authoritarian banana republic?

Monday, January 08, 2007

No Surge

Though We, the People, are essentially powerless to stop this insane escalation of an idiotic war as perpetuated by an unaccountable authoritarian/Caligula-liite, I cannot stand idly by as the AWOL preznit sends more of your sons and daughters to die in the sands of Iraq.

No Surge.

No McCain/Lieberman magic pony plan.

No Surge.

No Bush/Cheney oedipal dreams of imperial grandeur.

No more.

If you can call your congresscritters to register your opposition to this latest infernal idiocy (which, by the way, is also a precursor to the likely upcoming naval and air strikes on Iran - this is America, how?). You are not alone and maybe, just maybe, enough voices working together can stop this insanity.

Quite possibly the best Sadly, No! ever

Ann-a fanna Falthouse edition.

I’ve commented on the worthlessness of Althouse before. In case you don’t know who I’m talking about, Altmouse shows you everything you need to know.

Seriously, though. Listen to Brad. Play that song in the background as you read the story (and the comments). Good times, good times.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

McCain's 13 biggest flipflops

From The Carpetbagger Report .

Now, I don’t think McCain has a chance in hell of winning the GOP nomination - outside of the DC media, he’s got zero love and his narcissism and plain batshit crazy is going to do him in (and, oh, did I mention he’d be older than Reagan when Reagan was first elected?) - … but he’s still the GOP frontrunner du jour, so it’s nice that we’re getting the lists going now.

Vote McCain for more of the same in 2008!