Monday, August 25, 2008

[] No more martyrs, please

'No more martyrs, please'

Particularly since only the good ones get killed

Police found four guns, including two rifles and two handguns, in a rented pickup.

Police found a rifle in the man's pickup and methamphetamine. The man allegedly made comments about Sen. Obama, but sources wouldn't say what they were.

It was enough, however, to make police believe the man might have been plotting to somehow harm Obama. A second man was arrested at a Glendale hotel.

Now, this may be a bunch of hooey and they’re just meth heads with guns… but we all know Obama’s got a Montana-sized target on him. If he makes it through the election and his first term safely, then I’ll start to have hope for our “post-racial” nation.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

[] Laaaaaame


Obama picks Joe Xerox “I loooooove the new bankruptcy bill” Biden for veep.

Thousands of supporters were expected at a Saturday rally in Springfield, Illinois, to see the debut of Sen. Barack Obama and Delaware Sen. Joe Biden as a presidential ticket.

The one thing that I like about Biden is that he’s not afraid to be orally aggressive. Unlike the last three Dem VP candidates, he’ll be a snarky, biting, aggressive little fucker. Which is what you want from your VP.

On the other hand, he’s neither Clark nor Sibellius and Biden’s a loose cannon, so I’m not very excited about this. Way better than anti-choice Kaine or pro-Iraq Bayh, though.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

[] More like this please

'More like this please'

I think the real way to drive McCain more insane in a way obvious to the average chowderhead person is by mocking him. The little Charlie McCarthy lookalike’s got a paper thin skin and a hair temper trigger. Also, his mama dresses him funny.

[] Happy PDB Day

'Happy PDB Day'

7 years ago today, Bush was presented with the “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US” Presidential Daily Briefing. To which Bush replied “Alright, you've covered your ass now.

Heckuva job, Caligula.

[] Have I mentioned McCain is dirty?

'Have I mentioned McCain is dirty?'

Because he is

Alice Rocchio is an office manager at the New York headquarters of the Hess Corp., drives a 1993 Chevy Cavalier and lives in an apartment in Queens, N.Y., with her husband, Pasquale, an Amtrak foreman.

Despite what appears to be a middle-class lifestyle, the couple has written $61,600 in checks to John McCain’s presidential campaign and the Republican National Committee, most of it within days of McCain’s decision to endorse offshore oil drilling.

At a June fundraiser, the Rocchios joined top executives at Hess Corp. — Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Hess, his wife, Susan, his mother, Norma Hess, and six other officials in giving a total of $313,500 to a joint McCain-RNC fundraising committee, Federal Election Commission records show.

Vote McCain! It’s like doubling down on Bush. You get 10% more narcissism, bloodlust, and sock puppetry for big oil and/or the evangelicals all for the same low price!

[] My that's ... Mavericky

'My that's ... Mavericky'

Also, fraudulent and illegal

The bundle of $2,300 and $4,600 checks that poured into Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign on March 12 came from an unlikely group of California donors: a mechanic from D&D Auto Repair in Whittier, the manager of Rite Aid Pharmacy No. 5727, the 30-something owners of the Twilight Hookah Lounge in Fullerton.

But the man who gathered checks from them is no stranger to McCain — he shuttled the Republican on his private plane and held a fundraising event for the candidate at his house in Delray Beach, Fla.

In case you weren’t aware, “maverick” McCain is dirty, dirty, dirty. And he knows it.

Monday, August 04, 2008

[] Correlation, meet causation

'Correlation, meet causation'

McSame edition, number 5012

Ten senior Hess Corporation executives and/or members of the Hess family each gave $28,500 to the joint RNC-McCain fundraising committee, just days after McCain reversed himself to favor offshore drilling, according to Federal Election Commission reports.

Nine of these contributions, seven from Hess executives and two from members of the Hess family, came on the same day, June 24th, the records show. The total collected in the wake of McCain’s reversal for the fund, called McCain Victory 2008, from Hess execs and family is $285,000.

Friday, August 01, 2008

[] Elections have consequences

'Elections have consequences'

And the last two have resulted in the complete destruction of your basic civil liberties.

Federal agents may take a traveler’s laptop computer or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed.

Also, officials may share copies of the laptop’s contents with other agencies and private entities for language translation, data decryption or other reasons, according to the policies, dated July 16 and issued by two DHS agencies, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Your data will never, ever be disappeared. This is essentially the newest ultimate expression of the fascist panopticon. Welcome to your GOP overlords.

Suggestions: If you must travel across borders with your laptop, use a high-security system (Linux, or in a pinch, a Mac) and if stopped, refuse to hand over your password or log in. You’ll almost certainly lose your laptop (for a bit), but your data will still be yours and what passes for privacy these days still secured… until quantum computers come out, that is.

Alternatively, pack a blank hard drive and hide your second. So long as your second (real) hard drive is still encrypted and not in obvious plain sight where it will be seized, you’ll be fully up and running as soon as you get out of Der Homeland’s sites… and they’ll be stuck with useless, false information.

I’m sensing a new business opportunity in database-destroying false information hard drives to savvy consumers. a) profit; b) privacy; c) civil liberties; and d) if we poison the database with bad information, it will lose all value. Any interested angel investors out there, give me a call.

[] Clark for Veep

'Clark for Veep'

Sign the petition. Clark is far and away the best choice available and Obama’s ditching him when Clark had the temerity to say that getting shot down may a hero make but is not presidential.

Sebelius would be the #2. If it’s anti-choice Kaine, that’s just pukerrific.

[] TAEE pt. 5

'TAEE pt. 5'

Hahahaha! Awesome. Actual McCain ad:

I couldn’t really tell if this was aimed at racists, christianists, or Matrix fans, but it fails on at least two of those fronts in discouraging people from voting for Obama. In a country filled with christianists eagerly awaiting the rapture, AKA the GOP base, do they really think the Obamessiah message is in any way an “attack”? In a battle of scary black man v. my gawd is teh awesome, who wins?

McCain’s got nuthin. Nuthin!

(side note: the “quote” of Barack’s in the ad is misleadingly cropped)

[] Hate to say I told you so

'Hate to say I told you so'

… but I told you so!

Welcome back, billmon.